
To pickle small green peppers, you can follow this simple recipe:

- Small green peppers
- Vinegar
- Salt
- Sugar
- Water

1. Wash the small green peppers thoroughly and pat them dry.
2. Make a brine solution by mixing vinegar, salt, sugar, and water in a pot. The ratio of vinegar to water is typically 1:1, and you can adjust the salt and sugar to taste.
3. Bring the brine solution to a boil and let it cool down to room temperature.
4. Place the small green peppers in a clean glass jar.
5. Pour the cooled brine solution over the peppers, making sure they are completely submerged.
6. Close the jar tightly with a lid and store it in a cool, dark place for at least a week to allow the flavors to develop.

Your pickled small green peppers will be ready to enjoy after the fermentation process is complete.


