1. Dress appropriately: Dress professionally and according to the dress code of your workplace.
2. Punctuality: Arrive on time for meetings, appointments, and work tasks.
3. Communication: Use polite language and maintain a professional tone in all communications.
4. Respect: Treat colleagues, superiors, and subordinates with respect and courtesy.
5. Personal hygiene: Maintain good personal hygiene to create a positive impression in the workplace.
6. Listening skills: Practice active listening when communicating with others.
7. Teamwork: Collaborate effectively with colleagues and contribute positively to team projects.
8. Conflict resolution: Handle conflicts calmly and professionally, seeking solutions that benefit all parties involved.
9. Email etiquette: Use proper email etiquette, including clear subject lines, professional language, and appropriate formatting.
10. Networking: Build professional relationships with colleagues and industry contacts through networking events and social interactions.