To drive a manual transmission car, follow these steps:
1. Start the car by turning the key in the ignition.
2. Press the clutch pedal all the way down with your left foot.
3. Move the gear shift into first gear (usually to the left and up).
4. Slowly release the clutch pedal while gently pressing the gas pedal with your right foot.
5. Once the car starts moving, continue to gradually release the clutch pedal while giving it more gas.
6. To shift gears, press the clutch pedal, move the gear shift to the desired gear, and then release the clutch pedal while giving it gas.
7. When coming to a stop, press the clutch pedal and brake at the same time, then shift into neutral.
8. To park, put the car in neutral, engage the handbrake, and turn off the engine.
Remember to practice driving a manual car in a safe and empty area before driving in traffic.