
1. "言必信,行必果" - Be trustworthy in speech, and productive in actions.
2. "语言力量,开创未来" - The power of language creates a better future.
3. "言传身教,引领新时代" - Set an example through words and actions, leading the way in the new era.
4. "一言九鼎,谨言慎行" - Every word carries great weight, speak and act with caution.
5. "口说无凭,书面为证" - Spoken words are unreliable, written words provide evidence.
6. "言之有物,语无归处" - Speak with substance, words without purpose are meaningless.
7. "言论自由,责任重大" - Freedom of speech comes with great responsibility.
8. "舌尖文化,传承千年" - The culture of language, passed down for thousands of years.
9. "言传身教,引导社会" - Teach through words and actions, guiding society.
10. "智言智行,成就卓越" - Intelligent speech and actions lead to outstanding achievements.


