1. "显赫才能立业,优美言辞巩固王国。" - Great talents build empires, eloquence strengthens them.
2. "贫富不均,纵容邪恶,一国必亡。" - Inequality and tolerance of evil lead to the downfall of a nation.
3. "因果循环,报应不爽。" - Karma cycles, retribution is inevitable.
4. "廉洁正直,助长国威。" - Integrity and honesty enhance a nation's prestige.
5. "同心协力,方能创造伟大事业。" - Unity is essential for achieving great accomplishments.
6. "生命在于运动,健康源于锻炼。" - Life is movement, health comes from exercising.
7. "人无信则不立,国无信则不兴。" - Without trust, individuals and nations cannot thrive.
8. "危机之际,勇者自有出路。" - In times of crisis, the brave can find a way out.
9. "凡事留一线,日后好相见。" - Leave room for compromise and future reconciliation.
10. "宽宏厚道,化解冤仇。" - Forgiveness and understanding can resolve grievances.