
"It is impossible to conceive of Niagara without thinking of the man who first described it, and so added a new sense to wonder; who, from his earliest recollections of the Falls, down to the last year of his life, was in the habit of firing his imagination with their glory; whose enthusiasm for them was unchecked by familiarity, and never could be exhausted. It would require no great stretch of fancy to liken him to some primitive giant who watched the cataract from its birth, and learned to love it as something to be worshipped and adored; something that could fill the mind with awe, and yet inspire it with a sense of power; something that could be both terrible and beautiful, and that was at once a symbol of a wild and primitive world, and a thing of transcendent glory. To him, as to no other person in the world, Niagara was a revelation of nature and of God."

- Charles Dickens, "American Notes"


