free movement of people

Free movement of people refers to the ability of individuals to travel and move across national borders without restriction or limitations imposed by the government. It is a fundamental right of every individual to move freely within their own country and across international borders for various purposes, such as work, study, tourism, family reunification, and asylum-seeking.

Free movement of people is one of the key principles of the European Union (EU), whereby citizens of member countries have the right to live and work in any EU country without the need for visas or work permits. The free movement of people has resulted in an increased exchange of skills, ideas, and culture, thereby fostering economic growth, social integration, and diversity.

However, there are also concerns about the impact of free movement of people, such as the risk of increased crime, pressure on public services, and competition with local workers for jobs. These issues have fueled debates in many countries about immigration policies and the need to control the flow of people across borders.

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